Utopia’s Spring 2015 Newsletter Edition

Hello everyone,

How good is this weather! I’m sitting in the sun enjoying the blossoms and early spring flowers and so looking forward to the coming warmer months. Some friends and clients have commented that I didn’t send out a newsletter over the winter and missed my recipes and regular happenings and insights. I can only say that I took my own advice and rested, and I feel inspired and full of ideas now as spring is beginning.

While I was resting, there was much happening around me, so this newsletter might be a bit longer than usual.

Christina, the lovely woman who works often behind the scenes and at the desk, was busy upgrading her skills and qualifying herself as a Remedial Massage therapist. So I hope when she starts practising at Utopia, you will try her style of massage.

As you may know, we are moving into the WoodElement and the Liver and Gallbladder Zang fu, in short, think green, young new shoots, sprouts, buds, the body wants fresh green foods, and if you have followed my previous newsletters you would know that this element likes to move. Hopefully, you have been stretching over the winter, so when the warmer spring weather comes along, your body will be supple enough to take on a more vigorous exercise routine. I have surprised myself and started to do a little running, which I haven’t done since I was a teenager. It is so cold where I live now and I don’t have a pool close by to swim in (swimming is my choice of activity and always lifts my spirits) and when I ride my bike too fast, I get colder before eventually warming up. So, out of necessity, I took to running, which has been a challenge, but I like those (challenges that is).

The other week, a letter arrived at clinic inviting me to a new martial arts class in South Yarra, internal Qi gong, which I’m excited about, as it has been far too long since I have done any form of Tai chi or martial arts on a regular basis. So, if you are interested, please call and I will forward the information. Hannah will be running classes on a Wednesday evening starting mid-September.

I came across a new product that a few friends and clients have been testing on various health issues with some positive results. So when we have a few more results in, I will update you, but basically it re hydrates the cells and helps the body to heal itself. Of course, if you’re interested to know more now, just call or come in and I’ll share.

Start your morning with fresh lemon or lime juice in hot water its help awaken the digestive juices, balance the ph and a good way to help cleanse the body of the fats and heavy foods of the winter, Try adding fresh herbs, such as: basil, fennel, marjoram, and dill to your meals; these are pungent herbs to help raise the yang energy (after the descending winter). Now is a good time of year to start sprouting some grains or seeds, these are a great addition to salads.


2 Cups of vegetable or chicken stock

2 ½ Cups of vegetables, use spinach, broccoli, zucchini, carrots, kale, and silver beet.

1 Cup of dry bulgur

½ tsp thyme

Salt to taste

Place bulgur in a heatproof serving bowl. Pour stock over vegetables over bulgur, sprinkle with thyme or another herb of your choice.

Cover and let sit until most of the water has been absorbed and the bulgur is soft.

Pour off excess water and fluff with fork.

Garnish with some sprouts.


In a saucepan bring the stock to the boil, add vegetables and salt if using, simmer for a few minutes; this depends on the vegetable combination you use.


1 cup of buckwheat flour; (or flour of your choice, try a gluten-free blend or coconut, which seems to be the flavour of the month at present.) For extra fluffy thick style pancakes, use S.R. flour or add ½ tsp of baking powder to the flour.

1 egg beaten

Some rice milk, almond milk, coconut milk or water to get the consistency you desire, (thin crepe style or thick pancake)


Place coconut oil into a shallow frying pan. Allow this to melt before pouring in some of the mix.

I find using a soup ladle handy, especially if you are doing thin crepes, as you use the base of the ladle to help spread the mix in the pan.

Cook until small bubbles appear and then turn over.

One can spread with berries, sliced banana and yoghurt. Rice syrup can be used if you want it sweet instead of maple syrup.

Use a healthy spread: mashed avocado, tomatoes, cheese, the options are endless.

Cacao powder or cinnamon can also be added to the pancake mix.


Magnesium has many benefits and one is helping rid the body of cellulite, as is stops Cortisol production and helps convert fatty acids into prostaglandins. Magnesium not only helps the body to distress but also helps the cells to detox and improves the tissues by drawing out toxins through the skin. I have been doing a foot soak and/or a bath weekly over the winter and really noticed a difference in the quality of my sleep too.

To add to your journey of inner cleansing, Ilse suggests some deep breathing and meditation at this time of the year. There’s also another opportunity, for those interested, a meditation class is starting in October.


Shiatsu is great to get the body back moving after the more sedentary months of winter.

Many options above to spring back into action, I look forward to seeing you back in clinic soon.

In good health,

Mychelle and the team at Utopia Health Care