Acupuncture Treatment
Traditional Chinese Medicine explains acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force as qi (Chee) – believed to flow through pathways (meridians) in your body. By inserting needles into specific points along these meridians, we believe that your energy flow will re-balance.
An integral part of a Traditional Chinese Medicine, treatment includes taking the pulse on both wrists, and having a look at the tongue. The procedures indicate to us your general state of health and allow us to reach a diagnosis and treatment plan.
The first treatment starts with a detailed consultation, recording past medical history. You will be asked about your current symptoms, your diet, digestion system, sleeping patterns and emotional state.
Acupuncture needles are much finer that needles used for injections and blood tests and are single-use disposable stainless-steel type. They are inserted a few millimetres below the skin at chosen points along the channels of energy. The needles are left in place for at least 20 mins.
The sensation may be ether dull or described as tingling, with the intention of stimulating the body’s own healing mechanism and help restore and maintain its natural balance’.
You will be required to lie on a couch for full body acupuncture treatments, or on a chair for ear acupuncture. It is best to wear loose fitting clothing, so meridian points on the arms and legs are accessible.
As a complementary treatment, the use of moxa, the herb Artemisia Vulgaris, and the application of cups may be included in the overall treatment.
Acupuncture works on a mental, physical, and emotional level, and can therefore benefit and treat a vast range of different conditions. According to the World Health Organisation, conditions that can be successfully treated with acupuncture include
· Aches + pains: Sciatica, backache, arthritis, headaches & migraines, tennis elbow and frozen shoulder
· Digestive disorders: Abdominal pain, indigestion, nausea, constipation, IBS, diarrhoea & ulcers
· Respiratory disorders: re-occurring colds & flu, sinusitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, asthma, wheezing & coughing
· Gynaecological disorders: Irregular menstruation, PMT. Menstrual cramps, endometriosis, in fertility, menopausal symptoms
· Dermatological disorders: Eczema, acne, herpes, and other skin diseases
· Urogenital disorders: Cystitis, incontinence & urinary retention
· Mental and Emotional: Depression, anxiety, nervousness, stress & insomnia