Stress & Acupuncture

Are you having trouble sleeping? Do you seem to toss and turn all night?

. Do you experience mood swings?

. Do you get depressed easily and for no apparent reason? Do you get irritable and snap at people?

. Do you feel tired, short-tempered and out of sorts?

. Do you have trouble remembering things?

If you're experiencing stress it could be the result of any one or a combination of the following problems:

. Physical; taking on extra work and heavy training sessions. . Hormonal imbalances; pre-menstrual syndrome, menopause, and low libido.

. Low blood sugar as a result of dieting or exercising and low nutrient intake. Also stress-related digestive disorders.

. Poor immune function may be caused by poor nutritional intake. Recurring allergies like hay fever and food sensitivities, prolonged courses of drugs or medications.

Acupuncture treatment can re-create the harmony in your body, putting everything back in tune and restoring the natural balance in your mental, physical and emotional functions.

Generally, after a treatment, you'll feel much calmer, more relaxed and aware of the improvement in your feelings. Acupuncture provides a drug-free alternative that is so simple and so effective. This has been proven over a few thousand years.

The frequency and duration of treatment will vary according to your condition. Generally speaking, the longer a patient has had a particular condition, the longer it will take to treat it.