Utopia’s Autumn 2014 Newsletter Edition

Hello and welcome to the Autumn Newsletter,

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.“ Anais Anais

So much change has happened this year already, I feel I should be heading into Spring and not Winter, and yet the winter is so important to rest and nurture the body mind and soul.

I hope you all enjoyed the Easter break and got out of town, I spent the Easter break splitting wood for the winter fires, I’m looking forward to relaxing in front of it.

Many of you are already aware that we moved into the year of the wooden horse, from my readings it seems a year for movement, change and new growth, so harness the energy of the horse and start the projects that have been lying ideal or on the back burner for a little too long. You can use the winter months to consolidate and develop the project in preparation for the launching in Spring.

I myself have dug out my notes on the book I started a few years back and intend on putting a lot more time into writing and getting it published. I would like to thank those that have been so encouraging and supportive already.

This year has already been witness to some pretty strong planetary line-ups that have also caused a shake up for many. I think from now on it will be more stable for the rest of the year, if you are interested in more astrology please drop me a line and I can forward the information.

Autumn is the time of year to start slowing down from summer activities and change the exercise routine to incorporate more stretching and breathing exercises; consider qi gong, tai chi, yoga or stretch classes. Both Kate and I have years of experience so just ask if you would like a personalized routine for your body.


Mother’s day is just around the corner and I always think one of the nicest gifts is a Shiatsu  followed by a relaxing scented bath with Magnesium Bath Flakes Time to step out from the daily routine, reflect and enjoy the home you have created with your family.

Consider a series of Acupuncture  sessions to build the immune system for the coming winter.


Foods that help the body prepare for winter are more sour, bitter and salty in nature, such as: olives, tomatoes, button mushrooms, beetroot, limes, plums, sourdough and rye bread. Try adding sauerkraut next time you eat beef, as it will also aid in the digestion of the meat.

I do love cooking in winter too as so many of the dishes taste better the day after cooking. It’s the time of the year for slow cooking, the favors are absorbed and the smell fills the home and warms the heart, and I can prepare dishes in advance and not cook every night. Stews, casseroles and hearty soups.

My daughter’s favorite is pumpkin soup and I can vary that with ginger, cinnamon, orange, coriander, sweet potato, even roasting the pumpkin beforehand adds a different flavor.

One of my clients, Miss Emily, gave me a delicious gluten free recipe for cookies that she said I could pass on. Though remember to keep and eye on them when cooking as they can burn easily.



130g almond meal

2.5 tbs melted coconut oil
30g cacao nibs

2 tbs maple syrup

1 tsp vanilla extract

1/4 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt

Method: Preheat oven to 170 Celsius. Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Bake for 13-15 mins until golden. 


This improves the digestion. It has a warm and calming effect and benefits the metal, wood and water elements.


3 leeks
3 potatoes peeled and cubed
1 sweet potato peeled and cubed
Salt and pepper
1 tsp butter
1 litre chicken stock
Handful of fresh flat parsley chopped and used to garnish
Yoghurt is optional

Method: Sauté leeks in butter until soft and clear, add stock and potatoes, cover and simmer for about 45 mins. Add pepper salt and parsley and blend. Serve with yoghurt and more parsley.

I wish you a healthy autumn and enjoy the changing colours of the season.

I’d also like to say thanks for all the support and encouragement as Utopia has reached a milestone of 5 years in business and going from strength to strength.

Blessing and joy,


Team Utopia