To celebrate our 1st Birthday we have some great packages…
Utopia is celebrating it’s 1 st birthday and would like to thank you all for your support over the last 12 mths. A great deal has happened and the clinic is still evolving. As some of you are aware, I have great interest in supporting woman in labour and in the last month have been privileged to help 4 mothers, with the birth of their babies. All of you know both Rhonda and Michelle have come on board and are doing well in their areas of specialty, feedback is positive and we always appreciate your comments. Wanting to keep up with our skills and knowledge, I have been studying Five Element Acupuncture and Michelle has been studying Esoteric Acupuncture. If you are interested in these styles of treatment for your emotional wellbeing, we are both happy to discuss any queries. Autumn is upon us and this was made very evident to me on a recent trip to Sydney which was sunny and warm, and within an hour’s return flight to Melbourne, the drop of 10 degrees and rain made me very aware that winter is on our door step. To celebrate we have some great packages on offer as well as our other wonderful treatments. These are all on Utopia’s recently updated website so if you haven’t had a look, please click here Remember - a great way to say thank you to mum is a gift voucher that makes her feel good. We offer 3 different types of massages or consider one of our packages. Click here for Packages… Keep in mind that autumn is a drying time of the year and so keep up the fluids. Thank you all for your support and encouragement look forward to seeing you soon. Warm regards Mychelle and the team at Utopia